Bed ReligionBed Religion smo Bad Religion tribute band iz Slovenije. Nastali smo gospodovega 2008, bend pa sestavljamo Simon Mislej – Bobni, Matej Likar - Bas/Spremljevalni vokali, Aljoša Todorovič – Kitara, Gašper Černigoj - Kitara/ Spremljevalni vokali, David Božič – Vokal. Začeli smo igrati priredbe čisto iz svojega veselja na vajah, toda kaj kmalu so nas prijatelji začeli nagovarjati naj ne igramo samo zase, ampak naj nastopajmo tudi javno. In tako so se začeli odvijati koncerti po Sloveniji in drugod.

Bed Religion is a Bad Religion tribute band from Slovenia, existing since the beginning of 2008. It consists of five punk-rockers offering the people a Bad Religion experience (minus the guys from the Bad Religion :) ). We started playing covers just for our own pleasure, but soon many have encouraged us to start playing shows, for the songs were sounding very close to the originals. The peoples response convinced us, that we should start playing shows and here we are...
Bed Religion @ Facebook