Gužva u Bajt Gužva u Bajt je punk band iz Ljubljane. Sledijo punk idealom v katerih vidijo alternativo bogatim pussy punk bandom in političnim aktivistom. Skozi nastope in posnetke skušajo predstaviti njihov način pogleda na svet, ki je vse prej kot upoštevanje pravil, političnih idealov. Kot sami pravijo: »Naše ustvarjanje ne cilja na spreminjanje družbe temveč je le odraz našega uživanja v življenju in stvareh, ki jih radi počnemo«.
Na sceni so že od leta 2004 in do sedaj so izdali tri albume, prvega pod imenom Gužva u bajt leta 2005, drugega Nikad pankera od nas leta 2009 ter tretjega Mozak nam je pun leta 2014. Do sedaj so odigrali že veliko koncertov po celi Sloveniji. Predstavili pa so se tudi drugod od Avstrije, Hrvaške, Italije ter Srbije, tako so oder delili že z vodilnimi predstavniki punk scene kot so UK SUBS, The Business, Angelic Upstarts, Los Fastidios, the Exploited, the Last Resort, K.B.O, Trula koalicija, Kud Idijoti… Bolj kot to pa raje igrajo po manjših klubih, skvotih… kjer podprejo lokalne klubske scene, saj se tam počutijo najbolj domače. V vsem tem času pa je skupina bila prisiljena velikokrat spremeniti postavo. Tako od leta 2011 skupina nastopa z novima kitaristoma Urbanom in Matejem, mesto glavnega vokalista pa zasedeta začetna člana basist Vladimir in bobnar Tulio. Poleg glasbenega ustvarjanja pa so člani banda znani kot člani KUD Sizifove buče, ki že nekaj let organizira punk koncerte na Metelkovi in s tem omogoča nastope novim mlajšim ter starejšim punk bandom.

Gužva u bajt is a punk band from Ljubljana. They follow punk ideals in which they see an alternative to rich pussy punk bands and political activists. Through their performances and recordings, they are trying to present their view of the world, that is anything but following the rules and political ideals.As they say themselves: “Our music is not aimed at changing the society, but is merely a reflection of our enjoyment in life and things we want to do.” They were formed in 2004 and released three albums to date, ”Gužva u bajt” in 2005, ”Nikad pankera od nas” in 2009 and “Mozak nam je pun” in 2014. They’ve played a lot of concerts in Slovenia, but also presented themselves to crowds in Austria, Croatia, Italy and Serbia. Since forming, they shared the stage with a number of leading representatives of the punk scene, such as the UK SUBS, The Business, Angelic Upstarts, Los Fastidios, The Exploited, The Last Resort, KBO!, Trula koalicija, KUD Idijoti and others. But they feel more comfortable playing smaller clubs, squats, where they can support the local club scene. The group was also forced to change a lot of band members throughout the years. Since 2011, the band is playing with two new guitarists, Matej and Urban, and the role of the main vocalist is shared between original members, bassist Vladimir and drummer Tulio.
In addition to creating music, the band members are known to be a part of KUD Sizifova buča who, with organizing punk concerts in Metelkova, enable young, as weel as older punk bands play more shows.
Gužva u Bajt Website
Gužva u Bajt @ Facebook
Gužva u Bajt @ YouTube