HairXStrgane jeans hlače, usnjene jakne, bujne pričeske in vonj po laku za lase? Zvok kitarskih solaž, reskavi vokali, energični ritem bobnov in prešvicana publika v nabito polnih dvoranah? Čas ko je glasba širila med ljudi še magično energijo po zadovoljstvu, sreči in pozitivno vplivala na vsakega poslušalca?
Da, prav ste uganili, to so bila 80-ta.
Za mnoge zgodovina, za redke izjeme pa ne. Še obstajamo tudi tisti, ki v 21mu stoletju ustrajamo pri dobrem starem rock n rollu.
Smo glasbena skupina HairX, peterica iz Nove Gorice, ki se na vse kremplje trudi ohraniti » duh« pravega hard rocka iz prejšnjega stoletja. Trudimo ustvariti pristne, osvežujoče avtorske skladbe, z pridihom 80-ih, kar pa v tem času ni mačji kašelj.
Po odrskih deskah igramo širom Slovenije že več let, po raznih festivalih, motozborih in klubih, v zadnjem času nas je vse bolj pogosto zaslediti tudi v medijih, saj smo junija 2017 izdali svoj prvi album »Animals« z 8 skladbami. Ta je prejel zelo pozitivne kritike tudi onkraj meje in v ZDA. Poleti 2018 smo izdali tudi prvi videospot z naslovom “Sweetheart”.
Miha Polanec - vokal David Gorkič - ritem/solo kitara, back vokal
Patrik Drole – ritem/solo kitara, back vokal
Tilen Jarc – bas kitara
Kristjan Čuk - bobni

Ripped jeans, leather jackets, glamorous hairstyles and the smell of a hairspray? Sound of guitar solos, curtly vocals, energetic drum grooves and sweaty crowd in filled up concert halls? Times when music used to spread magical energy, pleasure, happiness and when it used to affect positively on every listener?
Aye, that's right! Those were the 80's.
For many people that's definitely history but not for rare exceptions like us. In the 21st century we are still sticking to good old rock n' roll , and yes, we still exist!
We are HairX, a quintet from Nova Gorica, Slovenia and we are doing everything that's in our power to keep the true rock spirit from the previous century alive. We are trying to create original, refreshing music with a hint of a sound from the 80's. That's definitely not an easy task to accomplish. For several years we have been playing on stages, motorcyclist meetings and clubs across Slovenia but we can also be found on media for the sake of our first album »Animals« that consists of 8 tracks. The album, which was released 2017, received many positive critics in Slovenia, but also in the USA and other European countries. A short while ago we also released our first music video of our new single »Sweetheart« that has already grabbed attention in public worldwide.
Miha Polanc – Vocals
David Gorkič – Rhythm and lead guitar, back vocal
Patrik Drole - Rhythm and lead guitar, back vocal
Kristjan Čuk – Drums
Tilen Jarc – Bass, back vocal
HairX @ Bandcamp
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HairX @ YouTube